mojave national preserve

It’s Not “Green Energy” If It Destroys Wilderness

It seems impossible that anything could be marketed as “green” when it involves the destruction of 4,000 acres of endangered-species habitat and desert wilderness alongside a national park, but that’s how these sketchy solar companies play their game. These solar people have gotten a free pass for way too long. And the truth is that most of them don’t care about the environment—they care about selling the energy from solar projects that they place on public lands. So they squawk like a panelist on Fox News when actual environmentalists call them on their easy-money solar-bubble tactics.

Mark Butler, who just retired as superintendent of Joshua Tree National Park after a long career spent in the care of federal parklands, wrote one of the clearest denunciations of nature-wrecking solar factories we’ve seen in a big newspaper. He joined with another four retired superintendents of national parks in California to publicly oppose a massive energy factory planned for 4,000 acres surrounded by iconic western views and a five-minute walk from the Mojave National Preserve’s boundary. (more…)

Perfectly agreeable environment.

Notes From Nipton, California (Population 30)

When I moved to the desert full-time in 2008, I sent a friend a link to show her where the little house was that I’d rented for the summer. I got a horrified response. I’d been looking forward to the move as a clean break, post-divorce; a way to start over in a new place. She clicked on the link and then zoomed out a bit, and then she zoomed out a bit more, and then the machine noise that heralded the arrival of her instant message sounded much more urgent, somehow.

“You can’t survive out there,” her message said. “No one can survive out there. Humans need human companionship. You will lose your mind.” (more…)